November 2015 Newsletter
Hello Fellow Chefs,
It has been a busy few weeks since our last meeting. We had our Annual Halloween Party at Knollwood Country Club which was very enjoyable. Chef Mike Aguilar and his staff did a great job as always with the food. We had a DJ and a magician keeping us entertained all evening and some great costumes too! I was disappointed to not see more chefs and their families in attendance. It is important for us to support these events or we will lose the backing of the Club Managers who fund most of this event. It is a great opportunity for chefs with young families to come and support the association while not losing out on that all important family time.
This past week we had the annual POTS event at Hampshire Country Club. Many thanks to Chef Eddie Loyaza for again hosting this great event. It was very well attended and it would appear it was a phenomenal success all around. I’m sure John Krall will be able to update us at the next meeting.
Our next meeting is on Wednesday November 18th at 6pm at Manursing Island Club. Please make every effort to attend. We are working on a very interesting education segment and are sure to enjoy another great meal created by John and his crew. Please email John at to make your reservation.
The trip to Bavaria is booked out and the itinerary is practically completed. Jan Hoffman has been working tirelessly to plan it and we appreciate all of his hard work and are really looking forward to what promises to be a great trip. We will be discussing more of the details at the meeting.
Coming up on December 7th we will have a Holiday Lunch at Gabriel Kreuther in Manhattan. Austin Braswell has been working on this with the people at Gabriel for a few weeks and it really looks like we are going to have a great lunch there. The price is yet to be determined and we would love to get 40 people signed up for this event. As soon as we settle the details I will send out an email with the menu and pricing for everybody.
If you have any staff you are laying off for the winter season, please keep in mind your fellow chefs that may need extra help during the holiday season. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have staff looking for work or need some extra help for the few weeks up to Christmas.
I hope everybody has a great Thanksgiving and I hope to see you on Wednesday at Manursing.
“Most turkeys taste better the day after, my mother’s tasted better the day before.”Rita Rudner