February 2016 Newsletter
Hello Fellow Culinarians!
Well what a trip we had in Bavaria!!!
A total of 18 members were on this great trip and I must say it was a really fantastic time. Our accommodations were great, the food was fantastic and the beer and wine….say no more!! Not to mention the Schnapps!!
Jan Hoffmann did a fantastic job in setting up a lot of this trip and Mike Dolan picked some great restaurants for us. We spent very little time on the bus (Hello my name is Dieter! Ha Ha!!!) Inside joke! and plenty of time eating, drinking and learning!
The weather here in New York did mess with our return but as we are seasoned travelers by now, we made the most of our delay! I am looking forward to the Vendor Show in March when we will be showcasing some of the great food we sampled while in Bavaria.
Before that, we have our February meeting which will be hosted by Chef Jean Claude Torres at The Century Association. The meeting will be held at 6pm on Tuesday February 23rd. The Century Association is located at:
7 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036, 212.944.0090 ext 133, email: jtorres@thecentury.org
I look forward to seeing you all there.
I will eat disgusting things, but only those with long established culinary traditions.
Dana Goodyear