Fall 2020 CCW Update
Good Evening All -
I hope this email finds you well. I am happy to hear the we all made the Best out of this Summer in our “New Normal”.
So many Stories of Chefs and Clubs Adapting to changing Regulations.
I also had a Chance to visit (socially Distanced ) over the Summer Chefs that made the Transition from Club Life to Running their own Restaurant.
Oak & Reed
Me & You
It was so refreshing and inspiring for me to see them doing so well especially in the Context of Covid-19.
I have received a lot of calls and emails on what is Going on with Club Chefs and what does the Future hold in Store.
So now that the summer is Behind Us and we Transition into the Fall we should all hopefully have more Personal Time.
Having said that we are in the Process of Securing a Outdoor Venue (outside) to have a Event.
It’s our intention to do this will all the safety Protocols in Place.
(More to come Very Soon).
Your Dues will have to Be Paid in Full to Participate
In Order for the Association to be Successful We will Need your Continued Support.
This is especially True Financially.
Which Leads me to my next Topic:
Yearly Dues
We felt it would be insensitive to Charge the Full Amount of Membership especially with Some Clubs and Chefs Experiencing Hardship.
So for this year Membership Dues will be cut in Half.
If you already paid the full amount you will get a Credit applied towards next year for the balance.
Our Treasure Nicole McGee is Available to Take your Payments by Credit Card if you Choose.
You can still pay by Check.
Invoice is attached for you Convivence.
We will also Have a Election at our next Gathering – It will be time for me and most of the Current Board to pass the Batton Along to the next set of Leaders.
Yearly Educational Trip
Hopefully we might be able to do a Trip.. (Nothing has been Planned as of yet)
We have discussed a few last minute options.
Austin is Very Confident he can put something on short notice once we feel its safe to do so..
Please help Support this event to keep the Most Vulnerable and in Need Going
In Conclusion
As we all know this is a Great Organization which I am proud to be a part of, Because of all you “The MEMBERS” we have built this up over the years to become what it is Today.
So I say Thank You to All of you Our Members!